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Väter einiger Pferde vom Altmarkhof

Fathers of some horses from the Altmarkhof

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Royal Hit

Sandro Hit

Sunny Boy

De Niro



Le Primeur

Wolkentanz I



Florin Gold


Lauries Crusador xx


Wilawander xx


some stallions have no details here so far. Please wait, this will come soon.


Biotop: by Blesk out of Plaksa by Hockey. Also bred at Kirov, Biotop was first sold to Belgium, where Dr. Reiner Klimke spotted him as an 8 year old and took him for further training. Soon, he had found his second „Ahlerich". Biotop had his very own ideas of how his training should proceed, which probably was the reason he never made it to the Olympics, but he was the most extravagant dressage horse Germany had seen up to his time. Of unbelievable suspension and movement, he captured the cowds and his temperament and character made him unique, even for a professional like Klimke. Biotop won several World Cup competitions, and was reigning supreme at freestyle tests for several years. He was Klimke's "biggest challenge", as he put it, but also his big love. Dr. Klimke was hospitalized with his later fatal heart attack when he asked his daughter, Ingrid, to step in and show Biotop at the Riesenbeck Grand Prix and GP Special. He witnessed on TV how the elegant rider and the stunning stallion won both tests, and only a couple of day later, Dr. Klimke died. Biotop remeined with the Klimke family, although offers were made from many sides. He was shown under Ingrid for another, highly successful season at Grand Prix, before he was retired at stud. Today, Biotop is one of the Trakehner breeds most popular dressage sires and is presenting excellent young horses in dressage shows across the country.
(copied from http://www.trakehners-international.com/idealdress.html)
Biotop BiotopFather of: Freiheitsstern und


Burbon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFather of: Florin Gold

Texts in English and German will come soon, hopefully

Narozený v r. 1982 v polském høebèínì Pepowo. Jedná se o elitního, velkopolského høebce trakénského krevního vedení s podílem krve konì berberského a anglického plnokrevníka. Stal se vítìzem výkonnostních zkoušek høebcù v Polsku a na podzim v roce 1988 byl importován do Èech.

Je souladného zevnìjšku, žluák, v typu i zevnìjšku se prosazuje. Pùsobivost exteriéru podtrhují velké linie v kombinaci s ušlechtilým výrazem a suchými konèetinami. Tyto vlastnosti pøenáší na své potomstvo. Pøedává také mimoøádný charakter, pøíjemný temperament a snadnou jezditelnost, proto je jeho potomstvo velmi oblíbené zejména jako hobby konì. Menší èást potomstva se uplatòuje i ve sportu (skok, drezura i spøežení).
Do plemenitby byl zaøazen jeden jeho syn a 118 dcer. S hnìdkami dává velmi èasto plaváky a izabely.Patøí mezi nejvyhledávanìjší plemeníky v Èechách. Mimoøádnému zájmu se tìšil na výstavách "EQUITANA" a "HIPOLOGICA" v roce 1991.

V roce 1998 se zúèastnil èeské "Equitany" v Lysé nad Labem.

V roce 1996 byl prodán jeho syn Ornát (z VÈ 309 Odra SPK) do "zemì koní" Kentucky a tento rok na jaøe odešel jeho syn Sovria do Holandska, kde se vìnuje sportovnímu ježdìní pod sedlem i v zápøeži.

Burbon – nar. 1982,


De Niro, v. Donnerhall, a.d. Alicante, Hannoveraner, Rappe, geb.09.05.1993, 170 cm Stockmaß
Anerkannt für Hannover, Oldenburg, Westfalen, Rheinland, Sachsen-Anhalt, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schweden, Dänemark und Frankreich

1997 Reservesieger der Hengstleistungsprüfung in Adelheidsdorf mit 141,93 Punkten und Rittigkeitssieger mit 145,41 Punkten.
2000 7-jährig bereits siegreich im Grand-Prix.
2001 Siegte De Niro unter Dolf-Dietram Keller bei der Deutschen Meisterschaft der Berufsreiter.
2002 international siegreich im Grand Prix und Grand Prix Spezial in Saumur und Berlin.
2003 Sieg im Deutschen Dressur Derby in Hamburg.
2004 Stellt De Niro nach zwei Reservesiegern mit Dancier den Siegerhengst in Verden.
2005 Stellt De Niro als Muttervater den Siegerhengst und die Preisspitze mit 800.000 Euro in Verden.
Über 50 gekörte Hengste kann De Niro in seiner Beschälerkarriere aufweisen. Seine Nachkommen sind überall begehrt und erzielen Spitzenpreise auf allen Auktionsplätzen. Überaus erfolgreich war das große Kontingent seiner Nachkommen auf dem Bundeschampionat 2005. Der De Niro-Ehrenmarsch-Sohn Daily Pleasure wird überlegener Bundeschampion der 4-jährigen Dressurpferde.

Father of Docolores and Dantario

De Niro, v. Donnerhall, a.d. Alicante, Hanoverian, black, born 09.05.1993, stick measure 170 cm
Licensed for Hanover, Oldenburg, Westphalia, Rhineland, Saxony-Anhalt, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sweden, Denmark and France

1997: Vice-champion at the stallion performance test in Adelheidsdorf being rideability champion with an index of 145.41 points and a total index of 141.93 points .
2000: In the age of 7 years he already was successful in Grand-Prix tests.
2001: Champion at the German Championship for Professional Rider with Dolf-Dietram Keller
2002: Winner of international Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special tests in Saumur and Berlin.
2003: Winner of the German Dressage Derby in Hamburg.
2004: In addition to two vice-champion stallions De Niro also presented the champion stallion at the stallion licensing in Verden, named Dancier.
2005 In Verden De Niro (dam sire) presented the top-priced (800,000 Euro) stallion champion
Meanwhile De Niro has already got more than 50 approved sons. His offspring is highly popular all over the world reaching top prices at all auctions. At the German Young Horses’ Championship in 2005 his offspring was highly successful. His son Daily Pleasure ( dam from Ehrenmarsch) became predominantly German Champion of the 4 year old dressage horses.

[Quelle: www.klosterhof-medingen.de]


Friedensfürst xx xFather of: Brioni

Friedensfürst: by Rondo out of Frieda by Gelria, Trakehner. First approved for the Hannovarian breed, this very tall chestnut stallion passed an excellent performance test before he was also approved for the Trakehner breed. Already winning at 4th level dressage, Friedensfürst was then given to Vorwerk stud, home of Rubinstein, where Nicole Uphoff took over his training and very quickly showed him at PSG level and beyond. They won the reserve title at the Nürnberg Burgpokal and after Nicole had left Vorwerk, American rider Lisa Wilcox too Friedensfürst to Grand Prix. Recognized as one of the most talented German dressage horses in recent times, Friedensfürst stood at the very beginning of a big international career when a fatal heart disease caused the death of this shining star. A big loss for the dressage world and the Trakehner breed, as he was also becoming a popular sire.
(copied from http://www.trakehners-international.com/idealdress.html)

Friedensfürst: von Rondo und der Frieda von Gelria, Trakehner. Ein großrahmiger und charakterstarker Trakehner mit Eleganz und Schmiß. Sein Vater Rondo, seinerzeit Siegerhengst der HLP, ist einer der leistungsstärksten Trakehnerhengste überhaupt, der viele in Dressur und Springen bis Klasse S erfolgreiche Nachkommen lieferte. Der Muttervater Gelria hat Friedensfürst in seinem Erscheingungsbild nachhaltig beeinflußt. Er kann auf mehrere gekörte Söhne, Staatsprämienstuten und hochbezahlte Auktionspferde zurückblicken. Friedensfürst ist ein ausgesprochener moderner Vererbertyp, mit einem hohen Rittigkeitswert und dabei bestechenden, bergauf getragenen und raumgreifenden Bewegungen.
Er schloß eine hervorragende HLP mit 126,99 Punkten ab (132,18 Punkte in der Rittigkeit). Friedensfürst wurde 1999 knapp geschlagener Resevesieger im Nürnberger Burgpokal und ist bis Grand Prix gefördert. Unter Lisa Wilcox war er in 2000 Seriensieger bis Inter I. Die Fohlen fallen durch ihre sportliche Aufmachung, Wuchs und groß angelegte Bewegungen auf.
Sein früher Tod ist ein großer Verlust für die Dressurszene und die Trakehnerzucht.

Friedensfürst hinerließ nur zwei gekörte Söhne: Brioni und Lücke, der im Springsport hocherfolgreich ist.

(Text und Bild von http://www.gestuet-vorwerk.de/deutsch/friedensfuerst.htm


K2: by Stradivari out of St.Pr.St. Kateja by Inschallah AA .
The finest Trakehner bloodlines in the utmost perfection.
True to the name K2 – one of the highest mountains in the world – this young stallion clearly stood out above the crowd at the 2001 approval. Excellent gaits, a strikingly refined exterior and an outstanding temperament distinguish this modern refinement stallion. Two of the most successful Trakehner mares in postwar history are combined in his pedigree – Schwalbenburg, the dam of numerous licensed stallions, and the former Bundeschampion mare, Kalinka – with a touch of the most refined Anglo-Arabian bloodlines through the extra class stallion, Upan la Jarthe, sire of many licensed sons and numerous sport horses for all disciplines and especially known for the famous Inschallah.
K2 was a high achiever at his 30 day test with a score of 8.8 in dressage. He finished his 70 day test in 2004 in Neustadt-Dosse with the second best dressage index in a group of strong competitors (133.21/2nd among 48 stallions). In 2003 he qualified for the Bundeschampionat for German riding horses in Warendorf and has meanwhile collected top ribbons in elementary level tests for young dressage horses. K2 has already proved his best attributes as a sire. At the Trakehner Foal Auction on the occasion of the stallion approval in Neumünster in 2004, the most expensive filly and colt were from his first crop. In 2005 at the approval in Neustadt/Dosse, his first son was licensed and at the 2005 Oldenburg Stallion Market, Swedish buyers purchased an especially strong typed young stallion.

K 2: von Stradivari und der St.PR.St. Kateja von Inschallah AA. Trakehner Edelblut in höchster Vollendung
Getreu seinem Namen K2 – einer der höchsten Berge der Welt – überragte dieser Hengst seinen Körjahrgang 2001 deutlich. Vorzügliche Grundgangarten, markantes blutgeprägtes Exterieur und tadelloses Interieur zeichnen diesen modernen Veredler aus. In seinem Pedigree verbinden sich zwei der erfolgreichsten Trakehnerstuten der Nachkriegsgeschichte – die mehrfache Hengstmutter Schwalbenburg und die ehemalige Bundessiegerstute Kalinka – mit anglo-arabischem Edelblut der Extraklasse: Upan la Jarthe, er lieferte mehrere gekörte Söhne und zahlreiche Sportpferde für alle Disziplinen, und der berühmte Inschallah. K2 absolvierte einen herausragenden 30-Tage-Test mit der Dressurnote 8,8. Den 70-Tage-Test in Neustadt-Dosse 2004 schloß er mit dem zweitbesten Dressurindex in einer starken Prüfungsgruppe ab (133,21/2. von 48 Hengsten).
2003 konnte er sich für das Bundesreitpferdechampionat in Warendorf qualifizieren und war mittlerweile auch schon in Dressurpferdeprüfungen der Klasse L hoch platziert. Als Vererber beweist sich K2 als duchschlagender Veredler: Auf der Trakehner Fohlenauktion anlässlich der Hengstkörung in Neumünster 2004 stellte K2 aus seinem ersten Fohlenjahrgang das teuerste Stut- und das teuerste Hengstfohlen; auf der Körung 2005 in Neustadt/Dosse stellte er seinen ersten gekörten Sohn und auf dem Oldenburger Hengstmarkt 2005 sicherten sich schwedische Interessenten einen besonders typvollen Junghengst.

K 2xFather of: Donna Kala









Laurentio father of Donna Laura:



Bilder: www.klosterhof-medingen.de

Laurentio v. Lauries Crusador xx, a.d. St.Pr.St. Wyella v. Wanderbursch II

A handsome son of the proved Thoroughbred sire, Lauries Crusador xx, with exceptionally dynamic movement potential. His fascinating presence and outstanding interior values round off the total picture of this wonderful youngster for whom we predict a great future.
Lauries Crusador xx is deemed the most successful Thoroughbred stallion in Hanoverian breeding. The dam, State Premium mare Wyella, was the Champion Mare at the 1995 Louis-Wiegels Show.

Laurentio finished his performance test as the reserve champion in rideability with a score of 8.65.
In the meanwhile, Laurentio has won tests for dressage horses and has qualified for the Bundeschampionat. His foals have brought prices of up to 36,000 Euro at foal auctions.

Text: http://waterviewpark.alphalink.com.au/laurentio.htm

Laurentio v. Lauries Crusador xx, a.d. St.Pr.St. Wyella v. Wanderbursch II

Bildhübscher Sohn des bewährten Lauries Crusador xx mit einer außerordentlich dynamischen Motorik. Die faszinierende Ausstrahlung und das hervorragende Interieur runden das optimale Gesamtbild dieses herrlichen Hengstes ab. Lauries Crusador xx gilt als der erfolgreichste Vollbluthengst in der hannoverschen Zucht. Die Mutter, St.Pr.St. Wyella, war Siegerstute auf der Louis-Wiegels-Schau 1995.
Laurentio absolvierte seine Hengstleistungsprüfung als Reservesieger in der Rittigkeit mit der Wertnote 8,65.
Neben Siegen in Dressurpferdeprüfungen hat sich Laurentio für das Bundeschampionat 2005 qualifiziert.
Laurentios Fohlen erreichten Spitzenpreise bis 36.000 Euro auf den Fohlenauktionen. Er stellte das Siegerhengstfohlen beim Deutschen Fohlenchampionat in Lienen 2005.
Aus seinem ersten Jahrgang wurde in Verden der Laurentio-Weltmeyer-Sohn Light & Easy gekört und prämiert, in Vechta erhielt ein Laurentio-Sohn aus einer De Niro-Mutter das Körprädikat.
Text: www.klosterhof-medingen.de


Latimer: by Saint Cloud out of Lara by Caprimond, Trakehner . Still a young horse, the approved black Latimer was a very convincing National Riding Horse Champion in 2000, beating all big names of Hannover and Oldenburg. He is currently showing at PSG and Inter I level and is expected to become a major dressage horse. Also very successful as a sire, his first son was approved in 2002, the reserve champion Hibiskus. In 2003, his second Trakehner son, Illux was approved for the Trakehner Verband and sold to Canada.
(copied from http://www.trakehners-international.com/idealdress.html)

Latimer: von Saint Cloud und der Lara von Caprimond, Trakehner.
Ein echter Veredler mit unvergleichlichem Trakehner Charme. Tänzerisch - imposanter Bewegungsablauf in wunderbarer Geschmeidigkeit. Latimer führt ein leistungspointiertes Pedigree über die Grand-Prix-Hengste Saint Cloud und Caprimond.
1998 Prämienhengst in Neumünster.
1999 HLP in Adelheidsdorf mit 132 Punkten (3. Platz) und Rittigkeitssieger
mit 152 Punkten.
2000 Sieg im Bundeschampionat mit Hans-Jürgen Armbrust.
2002 aus seinem ersten Körjahrgang stellt Latimer den Reservesieger Hibiskus und wird selbst Siegerhengst in Dänemark.
2003 Sportliche Erfolge bis Intermédiaire I.
2004 nationale und internationale Erfolge mit Theresa Wahler, mehrere gekörte Hengste und Prämienstuten.
2005 Latimer wird zum Elitehengst proklamiert und belegt unter Theresa Wahler den 3. Platz beim Preis der Besten in Warendorf. Sein Sohn Karolinger I wird Preisspitze der 16. Herbstauktion.

Latimer xFather of: Filomena









Partout xxxxxxxxxxxxFather of: Frida Kahlo

TCN Partout: by Arogno out of Pedola by Donauwind, Trakehner. This bay, approved elite stallion was bought by the gold medal winner of the Sydney Olympics, the Netherland's Anky van Grunsven, right after his approval as a 2year old. He did his performancetest in Adelheidsdorf with 151.25 points as winner of rideability. Later Partout won several big international Grand Prixs (over 25 times), was a World Cup winner and came back in the spring of 2002 after a year's brake due to an injury. He was retired from his show career at the Neumünster stallion show in 2002. Partout is also tremendously successful in the breeding section. Several sons have been approved so far: Goodwood, Seeräuber, Pour Plaisir, Parlando, premium stallion Halbgott, vizechampion Maserati and the 1998 champion stallion Monteverdi, who finished 8th at the FEI Young Horse World Championships in 2002.

(Information copied from http://www.trakehners-international.com/idealdress.html)

Quaterback v. Quaterman / German Sportshorse
The absolute highlight of the Althengst stallion parade was Quaterback, the brilliant young stallion who before even going up for his 30 Day Test took the title of 2006 Bundeschampion 3 year old Stallion.Many believed that a canter could not get any better than Florencio's, but now consider that Quaterback's is better. He is uphill, superbly engaged, elastic and stunning. When rider Christian Flamm collects Quaterback's trot he goes into the most natural passage.

The guest riders, Johanna von Fircks and Carola Koppelmann, were so impressed with him that they both scored him the maximum of 10. He also received 10 for his canter, which is very impressive, with lots of jump and balance. He was the crowd favourite both for the qualifier and the final. This very young stallion has a huge future ahead of him which he has started in the best possible way.

Quaterback is by the beautiful stallion Quaterman, whose movement is ground covering with a massive amount of reach. His foals show all their father's good characteristics and are achieving good prices in Germany. Quaterman qualified for the Finals of the Bundeschampionat in 2003, 2004 and 2005. Quaterman's grand dam is Poesie, who produced World Champions Poetin and Samba Hit I, II, and III. Poetin was Bundeschampion 2000, Reserve Bundeschampion 2001, World Champion 2003, Bundeschampion 2003 and sold for a world record amount of 2.5 million euros at PSI Auction 2003.

Video of Quaterback published on youtube

Video of Quaterback published on Oldenburghorse.com

Deutscher Artikel über Quaterback aus der Oktober 2008

Quelle: http://www.elitedressagestallions.co.uk/stallions-quaterback.htm

Quelle: www.clever-zuechten.de

Father of: Grisander

Wilawander xx: by Nashwan xx out of Wilayif xx by Danzig xx belongs to the younger generation of excellent Thoroughbreds at the Celle State Stud. He descends from some of the most valuable, internationally accomplished Thoroughbred racing lines available. He is conformed like the best riding horse types, with an excellent temperament, a high willingness to perform, good rideability and outstanding basic paces. His fascinating general appearance and his high dressage and jumping abilities give rise to great hopes for the future. The first Hanoverian offspring of Wilawander xx were born in the year 2000. The stallion produced very typey foals with correct conformation. The foals always are equipped with elastic and rhythmical movements.

(copied from here )

Wolkentanz, a 16H 1/2" chestnut Hanoverian stallion born 1991,  has already achieved an impressive record.  In 1993 he was Champion of the Stallion Licensing.  In 1994 he was German Champion Three-Year Old Riding Horse, and Reserve Champion of the Stallion Performance Test.  In the new German Hanoverian Stallion Yearbook of Breeding Values, Wolkentanz rates an impressive 6th for dressage in mare performance tests.  He passes on flowing, expressive, rhythmical movements, correct conformation, charm and a wonderful mind. 
Wolkentanz has 19 licensed sons (5 Premium)  and 66 States Premium Mares.  His breeding values based on daughters inspected and performance tested rank with the very best Hanoverian stallions.
Wolkentanz's weanling daughter, Wiesling (Wolkentanz/ Dividende [Domingo]) won her Weanling Fillies Class at Dressage at Lexington VA for Dr. Steve and Bettie Carroll (NC).  She went on to win Reserve Champion Filly, Reserve Champion Young Horse, and Reserve Grand Champion of the entire show!  

Breeding Values (Hannoveraner Jahrbuch Hengste 2005):  Competition Dressage 159,  Competition Jumping 94,  Riding Horse Type 142,  Conformation 162,  MPT Dressage 157,  MPT Jumping 82.
(copied from http://www.classicsires.com/wolkentanz.htm)

Father of Wolkenwind

Video clip available on www.horse-gate.com.  Click on Hengste Bewegungen.

Weltmeyer: Grandfather of Wolkenwind

Weltmeyer is, quite simply, phenomenal!  He added "1998 Hanoverian Stallion of the Year" to his long list of accomplishments:  1986 Hanoverian Stallion Licensing Champion; 1987 German National Champion Three-Year-Old Riding Horse;1997 Stallion Performance Test Champion; and 1989 DLG hampion. In 2003 Weltmeyer was the USA Equestrian's Leading Dressage Sire.
Weltmeyer has exceptional dressage ability with cadenced movements and beautiful suspension and elevation. He's gorgeous, 16H 1" tall and even jumps well.
Weltmeyer is famous as a sire of champions: seven German National Champion Riding Horses (Wittinger, Weltburger, Wolkenstein II, Wolkentanz, White Star, Wildrose, and Welt Hit IV); 2001 5-year old Dressage Champion Wanesco;  two Hanoverian Stallion Licensing Champions (Wittinger and Wolkentanz), two Stallion Performance Test Champions (Wittinger and Wolkenstein II), and in 2001 the National Champion Driving Horse, Gestüt Quellensee Westminister!  Weltmeyer has 64 licensed sons and 205 out of 473 (almost half!) of his mares have achieved the coveted "States Premium Mare" title in Germany. His first Olympic competitor, Wall Street, competed for Australia in Sydney. His son, Weltall, competed for Germany, winning the team Gold Medal in Dressage in the 2004 Olympics. His daughter, Weserperle, competes at Grand Prix level in Germany.
Classically-Sired Weltmeyer offspring have done extremely well.  In 1993 Wintersong (Weltmeyer/Moira) was Grand Champion at Dressage at Devon as a yearling for Marefield Meadows.  In 1999 Welttanzer (Weltmeyer/Femme Fatale) won the Weanling Colts class at Dressage at Devon for Betsy Smith.  

Breeding Values (Hannoveraner Jahrbuch Hengste 2005):  Competition Dressage 153,  Competition Jumping 77,  Riding Horse Type 146,  Conformation 152,  MPT Dressage 162,  MPT Jumping 60.

Video clip available on www.horse-gate.com.  Click on Hengste Bewegungen.

Picture and text copied from: http://www.classicsires.com/weltmeyer.htm

Karneol, Trakehner entstammt dem Gestüt Webelsgrund und wurde 1969 über den Hengstmarkt in Neumünster von dem aachener Dressurreiter und späteren Direktor des Gestüts Albertovec/Tschechien, Herrn Franz Lamich ersteigert. Im Austausch gegen einen anderen Hengst gelangte Karneol von Albertovec über das damalige Hengstdepot (Landgestüt) Moritzburg in die DDR, wo er 3 Jahre im VEG(Z) Tierzucht Kölsa deckte. Nach dem Rücktausch deckte Karneol 1983 in der böhmischen Landeszucht in Humbursky. Im gleichen Jahr holte Herr Wezel im Austausch gegen den Hengst Topas Karneol aus Albertovic nach Schralling, wo er 1988 ausschied.

Aus der relativen Kürze seines Einsatzes in der DDR, wurden 3 Söhne gekört und 24 Stuten ins Zuchtbuch eingetragen, von ihnen erhielten 8 eine Staatsprämie.
In Albertovic standen 1984 bereits 10 gekörte Söhne als Landbeschäler in den Depots.

„Ravka“ v. Karneol erbrachte im Springsport bis Kl. S eine Lebensgewinnsumme von 2662.-Mark (DDR), eine beachtliche Eigenleistung. Zwei seiner gekörten Söhne wurden als Sportpferde exportiert.

Es sind derzeit drei Karneol-Töchter für den Elite-Titel vorgeschlagen.

(Quelle: Trakehner Hefte und A. Gusovius)

Grandfather of BabaYaga

DonaumonarchxxxxxxxFather of: BabaYaga

Donaumonarch, Trakehner.

With a jumping index of 135.4 points, Donaumonarch set up a new record for Trakehner stallions. He won many show jumping classes up to medium level and qualified for the Federal Show jumper Championships in Warendorf. A colt foal from Donaumonarch's first crop was the top priced lot DM 20,000 of the Trakehner Autumn sales.

His sire Sir Shostakovich xx one of the most popular Thoroughbred stallions in the Trakehner breeding, raced and won in Ireland and Germany. Worth mentioning is the impressive jumping ability of his progeny, which might be the reason why the Holsteiner bought him. Donaumonarch's dam E.St. Donauquelle is a full sister to the sire Donauglanz. In 1994 Donauquelle enjoyed a big success at the Federal Mare Championships: she and her 3 daughters won the title of Federal Cahmpion Broodmare Family.

Donaumonarch, Trakehner.

Donaumonarch war ein edler und blutgeprägter Sohn des Sportpferdemachers Sir Shostakovich xx, der mit seinem überragenden Springvermögen auch die Holsteiner Zucht bereichert hat. Donaumonarchs Mutter, die Elite Stute Donauquelle war Siegerin der Bundesstutenschau 1994 in Warendorf im Famileinwettbewerb ist Mutter weiterer Siegerstuten.

Donaumonarch war selbst sportlich erfolgreich bis Springen der Klasse S und setzte mit einem Springindex von 135,4 Punkten einen neuen Rekord für Trakehner Hengste.

Royal Hit, v. Royal Dance a.d. Loretta, Oldenburger
Erfolgreichster Mutterstamm setzt sich durch:
Dieser bestechende und überaus bedeutende 1c Prämienhengst zu Oldenburg ist an Ausstrahlung kaum zu übertreffen. Seine dominante Vererbungskraft aus einem der erfolgreichsten Stutenstämme Europas macht ihn so wertvoll.

Sein Vater Royal Dance, selbst Siegerhengst, schiebt sich durch seine rittigen Nachkommen immer mehr in den Vordergrund des Dressursports. Die Mutter, Elitestute Loretta, brachte u.a. den Weltmeister und Bundeschampion “Sandro Hit“ und den Vizeweltmeister und Vizebundeschampion “Diamond Hit“. Muttervater Ramino war HLP-Sieger und später fünfmal italienischer Meister. Der in dritter Generation erscheinende “Welt As“ ist einer der einflussreichsten Leistungsträger der letzten Jahre, u.a. Vater zu Olympiasieger “Bonfire“ mit Anky van Grunsven. So konnte Royal Hit sogleich bei seinem ersten Turnierauftritt in der Dressurpferdeprüfung gewinnen und absolvierte im Bereich der Dressur eine gute Hengstleistungsprüfung. Insbesondere seine drei Grundgangarten sind von höchster Bonität. Beeindruckend ist der erhabene, taktvolle Trab, die federleicht, bergauf gesprungene Galoppade mit hoher Elastizität und der raumgreifende Schritt bei beispielhafter Reitqualität. Royal Hit wurde züchterisch stark frequentiert. Zur Zeit leider verletzt, lieferte er bereits erstklassige Nachzucht und stellte auf vielen Schauen Siegerfohlen. Auf den Auktionsplätzen sind seine Fohlen sehr begehrt und zu überdurchschnittlichen Preisen veräußert worden. In diesem Jahr warten wir gespannt auf seinen ersten Körjahrgang.

Royal Hit, v. Royal Dance a.d. Loretta, Oldenburger

Successful dam lineage prevails:
This incredibly stunning 1c premium Oldenburg stallion has a unique charisma second to none. His dominant producer power out of one of the most successful mare lineages in Europe make him particularly valuable.

His sire “Royal Dance”, he himself a champion stallion continues to come to the fore in the dressage world due to the rideability of his offspring. His dam, elite mare Loretta, produced amongst others the World Champion and German Champion of the six year old dressage horses “Sandro Hit” and the Vice-World Champion and Vice-German Champion “Diamond Hit”. His dam’s sire Ramino was stallion performance test champion and later on five times Italian national champion. In the third generation, “Welt As” is one of the most influential performance producers of the last years and amongst others sired Olympic gold medallist “Bonfire” ridden by Anky van Grunsven. Royal Hit has won several of his first dressage competitions and completed a good stallion performance test. His three gaits are of especially high quality. The exalted, tactful trot with the required hind-quarter motor, the feather-light, uphill bouncy canter with enormous elasticity and the lengthy, graceful walk with perfect riding qualities indicate a great dressage career ahead. Royal Hit is very popular with the breeders. Unfortunately presently injured, he has already produced first class offspring many of which have been champion foals at shows. His foals are sought after at auctions and are sold for above-average prices. This year we very much look forward to his offspring’s first year at the approvals.

 [Quelle: http://www.schockemoehle.com]


Father of Grasgirren

Lauries Crusador xx raced as a 2 and 3 year old in England. In his first season he raced 6 times and won twice with two placings. As a three year old he raced three times and was placed three times. He finished his career with stakes winnings of almost twenty thousand pounds.
His sire, Welsh Pageant was a good racehorse winning 11 races and £53,527. He was even better as a sire, with his progeny winning 342 races, and £1,920,000. His dam, Square Note won over hurdles as well as on the flat, and produced five wiiners - Aventina Lady, TSW Homes, Nippy Chippy, Chimera and Lauries Crusador.
Lauries Crusador's great grand-dam, Umbrette is out of Equitation (by Fair Trial) - Equitation is also the dam of the stallion. Ecuador (by the Hyperion son, Hornbeam) who stood at the State Stud Celle where he sired many good Verden auction horses, and the state stallions, Egerlander, Eklatant and Eldorado.

copied from: http://www.horsemagazine.com/BREEDINGBARN/GREAT_STALLIONS/lauries%20crusador/luriescrusador.htm

Sedar: by Zauberklang out of Somalia by Magnus, Trakehner . This approved chestnut stallion has quite a unique success story. He was first campaigned as an eventer of great talent, but his owner, Norbert Wallochny, is a great fan of Western Riding and decided to try out his stallion. The big surprise was that Sedar excelled at cutting like not many horses before him, winning a silver medal at the European Cutting Championships, as the only Trakehner and warmblood among American Quarter Horses. His owner says he has "the cow sense built in" and apart from that, Sedar's offspring show exceptional talent for show jumping, so that we can expect a number of competitiors from this line in the near future.
(copied from http://www.trakehners-international.com/idealmisc.html )

Sedar v. Zauberklang a.d. Somalia v. Magnus, Trakehner
Dieser Elitehengstanwärter mit Typ und hervorragenden Reitpferdeeigenschaften machen diesen Hengst hochinteressant. Zu einem Modellathleten herangereift, entwickelt er Reitpferdepoints allererster Güte. Seine Dreifachveranlagung ist unverkennbar.
Sedar ist würdiger Vertreter seines Vaters, dem einst in Amerika im großen Dressursport hocherfolgreichem Zauberklang, der mit weiteren Söhnen wie Turnus, Markzauber (HLP Index 140, LK I) oder Enim Pascha (Bewegungskünstler auf dem Vogelsangshof bei Georg Hoogen) seine Spitzenstellung in der Trakehnerzucht bewiesen hat.
Über dem sehr arabisch blutgeprägtem Mutterstamm der Schalmei Ar. 2532, die für Härte, Ausdauer, Markanz, Trockenheit und Leistungswille stehen, gibt Sedar selber dies seinen Nachkommen uneingeschränkt weiter.

Sedar ist in das Trakehner Springpferdeprogramm aufgenommen und wurde auch sehr erfolgreich im Vielseitigkeitssport eingesetzt. Seine Hengstleistungsprüfung bestand er mit einem Gesamtindex von 121,90 Punkten und einem Teilindex Rittigkeit von 125,92 Punkten und einem Teilindex Springen von 113,67 Punkten und ist somit in der Leistungsklasse I. Dieses Potenzial an vielseitigen Leistungsreserven wird in Zukunft mit Sicherheit immer mehr in allen Warmblutzuchten zum tragen kommen. [Quelle: http://www.ahornhof.com/]

Sedar xxxxFather of: Lara

Le Primeur xxxxxxFather of: Laokoon

Le Primeur: by Laptop out of St.Pr.St. Palue by Pinkus, Hannoveraner.. This noble stallion is the successful product of the Hanoverian breeding program for show jumpers (PHS). Le Primeur was the sovereign winner of the stallion performance test in 2000. He achieved high results in both dressage and jumping category and attracted everybody's attention by his willingness to work. Apart from his outstanding jumping ability the stallion convinces by three good basic gaits, especially by a tremendous uphill canter. LePrimeur descends from a damline with the highest evaluation for conformation.  He expresses an extraordinary type. After having successfully participated at his second tournament, Le Primeur was qualified for the Hanoverian show jumping chamipionships at Dobrock, 2001. With the State stallions Le Primeur and Le Patron, Laptop proved his high qualities as a sire in a very impressive manner. 

(copied from http://www.superiorequinesires.com/stallions/le_primeur.htm)

Escudo I: by Espri out of Athene by Arkansas, Hannoveraner, is a  well-muscled, expressive stallion of ideal type.  He was Champion of the 1994 Stallion Performance Test with excellent scores in all categories.  He won the jumping section, and went on to become Hanoverian Showjumping Champion 5 year old in 1996, and German National Reserve Champion 5 year old Jumper. A son of Hanoverian Stallion of the Year 1995, Espri, who has produced many grand prix showjumpers including World Cup winner, E.T., and St. Pr. St. Athene, a mare who scored extremely well on her Mare Performance Test, and who has also produced the showjumper, Erik 18, Escudo I is a full brother to Escudo II, Champion of the 1994 Stallion Licensing.  Escudo II also stands at the Hanoverian State Stud.  Video clip available on www.horse-gate.com.  Click on "Hengste Bewegungen" to the left of the screen. Escudo I's mares have scored exceptionally well in the Mare Inspections and Mare Performance Tests, giving Escudo I outstanding breeding values for all categories, especially type, frame, conformation and jumping.  Many Escudo I mares became States Premium Mares.    Breeding Values (Hannoveraner Jahrbuch Hengste 2003):  Competition Dressage 115, Competition Jumping 151, Riding Horse Type 157, Conformation 142,  MPT Dressage 94, MPT Jumping 146.

Escudo I is designated as part of the Hanoverian Jumping Horse Breeding Program.
(copied from http://www.classicsires.com/escudo.htm )

Escudo I Father of: Eiskönig





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Garut Humburskyxxxxxx Grandfather of: Wolkenwind

